Have you ever thought about enriching YOUR life while you enrich your child’s?

Have you ever thought you could learn a new language right along WITH your child?

You might already know some of the HUGE benefits to learning another language as a child such as:

  • increased math and reading scores
  • better grasp of the English language
  • better problem solving skills
  • denser gray matter in the brain (the good stuff)
  • better future job possibilities

But did you that there are also HUGE benefits to you as an adult?

  • delay in onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s symptoms
  • better multi-tasking skills
  • denser gray matter (not as dramatic an increase as children)
  • better job possibilities

You may be asking yourself, “But how do I teach my child if I don’t speak another language?”  Easy!  You learn TOGETHER!  Taking an Adult and Toddler language class is a GREAT way to bond together as you each learn a new skill TOGETHER!

Zinta Inspired Language offers classes that not only give the adult AND toddler the chance to begin their language learning, but ALSO teaches you how to practice at HOME!  In the once a week “fun time” classes you both will learn songs, games, activities, finger plays, etc. in order to continue the learning at home!

Where else would be able to….

  • get out of the house
  • do fun activities with other adults and children
  • develop a skill you can BOTH use a lifetime
  • become smarter in the process!

Join us for our next Adult and Toddler classes!