Zinta Inspired Language https://zintalanguage.com A global premier language and cross-cultural training center Mon, 13 Jan 2025 21:20:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Zinta Inspired Language A global premier language and cross-cultural training center false Free Resources for Language Practice https://zintalanguage.com/free-resources-for-language-practice/ https://zintalanguage.com/free-resources-for-language-practice/#respond Mon, 28 Oct 2024 23:32:50 +0000 https://zintalanguage.com/?p=30087

Free Resources for Language Practice

There are hundreds of resources at your fingertips to enhance your language skills.

Our Zinta Resources Page is packed with links to help you learn new languages.  

Imagine listening to popular songs in multiple languages or singing along to your favorite Disney tunes in a new tongue.

You can enjoy simple and funny TV sitcoms that make language learning entertaining and effortless. If you love reading, dive into captivating stories that not only entertain but also improve your comprehension skills.

And to top it all off, we’ve included practice exercises designed to build your grammar and vocabulary, ensuring that your language skills are not just good, but exceptional.

So, get ready to immerse yourself in a world of learning and fun!

Do you have a great site to add to the list? Let us know!

Free Resources for Language Practice Blog Image

Free Resources for Language Practice

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Learning a language WITH Your Child https://zintalanguage.com/learning-a-language/ Sat, 03 Aug 2024 16:40:00 +0000 http://old.zintalanguage.com/?p=8188

Learning a language WITH Your Child

Have you ever thought about enriching YOUR life while you enrich your child’s?

Have you ever thought you could be learning a language right along WITH your child?

You might already know some of the HUGE benefits to learning another language as a child such as:

  • increased math and reading scores
  • better grasp of the English language
  • better problem solving skills
  • denser gray matter in the brain (the good stuff)
  • better future job possibilities

But did you that there are also HUGE benefits to you as an adult?

  • delay in onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s symptoms
  • better multi-tasking skills
  • denser gray matter (not as dramatic an increase as children)
  • better job possibilities

ou might be wondering, “How can I teach my child a new language if I don’t speak it myself?” The answer is simple: learn together! Enrolling in an Adult and Toddler language class is a fantastic way to bond while both of you acquire a new skill.

Zinta Inspired Language offers classes designed for both adults and toddlers, providing an opportunity to start learning a new language together. Our classes not only introduce you and your child to the basics of the language but also teach you how to continue practicing at home.

In our weekly “fun time” classes, you’ll engage in songs, games, activities, and finger plays that make learning enjoyable and effective for both you and your child.

Where else would be able to….

  • get out of the house
  • do fun activities with other adults and children
  • develop a skill you can BOTH use a lifetime
  • become smarter in the process!

Join us for our next Adult and Toddler classes!

Zinta Girl says: Learning a language with your child

Learning a language WITH Your Child

Benefits for children learning a second language https://zintalanguage.com/learning-a-second-language/ Tue, 30 Jul 2024 19:13:36 +0000 http://www.spanishhorizons.net/?p=2622

Benefits for children learning a second language

Studies have shown that people learning a second language at a young age tend to have denser gray matter in the brain compared to those who learn a language later in life. Brain imaging comparisons reveal that bilingual individuals generally have denser gray matter than monolingual ones.

But the benefits extend beyond just brain density! Research indicates that children who are learning a second language develop stronger problem-solving skills, which positively impacts their performance in subjects like math. They also tend to achieve higher scores in math, reading, and English.

Additionally, learning a foreign language enhances overall mental development, improves listening skills, and deepens the understanding of their native language. It also fosters an appreciation for diverse cultures, provides an early advantage in meeting college language requirements, and may broaden future job opportunities.

Given these significant benefits, it’s crucial to introduce your child to a foreign language as early as possible!

Quotes From the Experts

“The optimum ‘window of opportunity for learning’ languages lasts until about the age of ten or twelve,” says Harry Chugani of Children’s Hospital of Michigan, “…yet most U.S. districts wait until junior high (or high school) after the windows are closed.”

–       Newsweek, S. Begely, “Your Child’s Brain”

“Learning a foreign language at a very early age can clearly benefit a child’s reading abilities…Preschoolers who speak one language can usually recite the alphabet and spell their names, but cannot read without the help of pictures…But bilingual preschoolers can read sooner because they are able to recognize symbolic relationships between letters/characters and sounds without having visual objects.”

–       Developmental Psychology, Ellen Bialystok

“A study of 13,200 third through fifth graders was revealing.  Regardless of race, gender, or academic level, kids taking a foreign language did better in the English section of the Basic Skills Test.  Math scores of children studying a second language improved, too.”

Child, Lynne S. Dumas, “Learning a second language”

“There is abundant evidence that the best time to learn new languages is relatively early in life.”

–       Pediatrics, American Academy of Pediatrics

“Research suggests that learning a second language at an early age can enrich mental development.”

– Business Week, Edward Baig, “Bringing up baby bilingually”

“…children who receive even small amounts of second-language instruction are more creative and are better at solving complex problems.

–       SmartKid Online

“The learning of language other than one’s own provides a unique conduit to higher-order thinking skills,”

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

“We are born with a greater brain capacity than we actually realize, which is why children pick up a second language so easily.”

– Paco Rakic, MD, professor of neuroscience at Yale University, as quoted in Working Mother by Carolyn Jabs

“We have…identified an increase in the density of grey matter in the brain…of bilinguals relative to monolinguals, which is more pronounced in early rather than late bilinguals, and have also shown that they density in this region increases with second-language proficiency but decreases as the age of acquisition increases.”

– Research from University College of London, as published in Nature

Zinta Girl:  Benefits of learning a second language

Benefits for children learning a second language
