French Classes

Language Classes
French Classes
Language Classes

Speak and Connect”

Adult French Classes

Learn French! Start using the language from the moment you begin learning!

Avoid spending years “studying” French in hopes of eventually using the language. Our conversational classes get you speaking quickly.

Our focused and engaging curriculum is designed for easy comprehension and immediate application, with plenty of speaking practice.

We offer French lessons tailored to all learning styles. We adapt our classes to fit YOUR unique needs!

Reach out to learn more about our in-house locations and exceptional online classes. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced learner, your French journey starts here!

Learn French

Fun and Fluent”

Youth French Classes

Our French youth classes are thematic so your child will learn a lot of vocabulary from fun topics such as: A Rainy Day at My House, Let’s go to Paris!, All About Me, etc.

Toddler Talk (ages 1-4 with an adult) – Learn basic phrases, songs, and finger stories with your toddler as you bond!

Fun and Fluent Kids (ages 5-10) – Experience new vocabulary in a new theme every 8-sessions through songs and games!

Middle School – (ages 11-14) – Classes developed just for middle schoolers that get them excited about learning French while gaining a skill they will use throughout life!

Join us to begin your journey today!

Finding a Great Foreign Language Class

A Guide to Finding a GREAT Foreign Language Class

Finding the right foreign language class can be challenging, especially if you want to skip the mundane lessons and focus on effective communication …Read More

How do some people learn a 2nd Language so quickly?

How do some people learn a second language so quickly?

The answer is simple: effective communication is all about understanding what matters most! Learning a second ..Read More

Online vs In-Person Classes

How Zinta Distance Classes will work for you!

Zinta Online Classes are different than any other online courses out there, and this is why…Read More.

The Possibilities Are Endless!